637th Training Group

Policy Plans and Programs

The purpose of Policy, Plans and Programs is to advise the Commandant and senior staff on all aspects of English language training programs; to ensure coordination and internal consistency of policy, programs and regulations; and to represent DLIELC to DOD, US governmental and international agencies.

Office of Standards and Evaluations

The DLIELC Office of Standards and Evauations mission is to generate, coordinate, and facilitate institutional improvements within the DLIELC and its supported DoD English Language Programs through Program Analysis, Institutional Development, Innovation Integration, and the Continuous Process Improvement Program (AFSO21). English Language training and the operational execution thereof will always have to adapt to changing environments, customer requirements, political situations, and emerging technologies. Addressing these concerns has become the cornerstone of the Office of Standards and Evaluations.

Through systematic analyses of external and internal DLIELC operations employing quantifiable evaluation measures, the Office of Standards and Evaluations provides the Commandant current data pertaining to the quality, effectiveness, efficieny, and developmental progress of DLIELC programs. By serving as the DLIELC's institutional liaison and outreach office, the Office of Standards and Evaluations fosters communication with other institutions and organizations that are currently involved with the United States Defense English Language Program, as well as relevant military, civilian, and academic organizations that could enhance the DLIELC mission in the future. The robust assessment of operations and identification of growth potential, together with professional institutional liaisons, stimulates innovation and collaboration that directly contribute to the strategic planning process and on-going development of the DLIELC as a progressive, state-of-the-art, world-class English language training institute.

Resource Advisor - CCR

The Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) receives Operations & Maintenance funding from the Air Force to sustain day to day operations.  HQ Air Education & Training Command (HQ AETC) is our MAJCOM

Typical programs include:
            $ - Funds Control
            $ - Civilian Pay
            $ - TDY Funding
            $ - Contracts
            $ - Supplies/Equipment
            $ - Defense Travel System
            $ - Government Travel Card
            $ - Government Purchase Card
            $ - Reimbursements
            $ - Internal Control Program

637 Training Group

    332nd Training Squadron
    637th International Support Squadron
    637th Training Support Squadron
    Professional Development


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