Specialized English

The main objective of our branch is to provide DLIELC international military students who have met their English Comprehension Level (ECL) test requirement with the language and study skills necessary for them to succeed at their follow-on training (FOT). In addition, students will apply and practice language learning strategies that they can take with them to FOT and beyond. Students normally spend nine weeks in Specialized English. The classes they are assigned to depend on their specialty (e.g., aviation, maintenance, electronics, medicine, professional military education).

Because Specialized English serves as a bridge between our students and their military training, Curriculum flight works in consultation with our section to develop the materials we use to prepare our students for the various FOT sites that they will be attending. Additionally, the section utilizes a number of Subject Matter Experts to support classroom instruction and materials development to ensure that they are accurate and relevant.

The types of activities that students perform in class reflect what they will be required to do at FOT (e.g., working in small groups, giving briefings, following procedures, analyzing situations, communicating via radio, multi-tasking while using aviation language skills in the Sim-Lab). The majority of materials used in our classrooms is authentic and include readings taken directly from military journals, technical orders, and audio/video recordings from the US Army, Navy, and Air Force.

332TRS Information

    General English
    Specialized English
    Advanced English
    Academic Support


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